It’s sometimes a bit of a struggle to locate information on the many Canadian combat photographers who served during WWII, but just sometimes information is provided by a kind visitor to the website.
Such was the case during my search for additional information regarding Lt. Dwight E. (Joe) Dolan, a still combat photographer for the Canadian Army Film Unit (CFPU). Help arrived in the form of an email from André Rivest, a ‘Graphiste journaliste’ for La Presse, a French-language daily newspaper published in Montreal;
“Dwight E. Dolan was also the official photographer of the Montreal Royals, a baseball team in the International League where Jackie Robinson played. I don’t know much about Dolan except that he was the official press photographer of the Montreal Royals of the International baseball league in the fifties. He had done a LOT of photos of the Royals. He was there late forties and beginning of fifties. He had been replaced by the famous David Bier in the second half of this decade.”
Montreal Royal George Byam, 1951. Photographed by Dwight E. Dolan, Montreal. Image courtesy André Rivest.
Emboldened by this little tidbit of information, I continued to dig a little bit deeper into what more I could find regarding Lt. Dolan, and the more I dug…the more surprised I became by what I found…
* * * *
Dwight Dolan was born into a very large family. His father, Lawrence James Dolan was born in Hartford Conneticut, in 1873, and married Marion Helen Dolan (Lynch), of Montreal, who gave birth to 12 children.1 See also, The Ottawa Citizen, Weekend Magazine, VOL. 11, No. 39, Saturday, September 30th, 1961.
Born in Montreal on April 8th, 1915, Dwight Dolan would make his schools honours list on December 24th, 1930.2THE GAZETTE, MONTREAL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1930, page 7. Dwight would become the only photographer of his 11 brothers and sisters.3The Ottawa Citizen, Weekend Magazine, VOL. 11, No. 39, Saturday, September 30th, 1961. His brother Robert Emmett Dolan would go on to Hollywood to write and produce Bob Hope and Bing Crosby movies.4EN VILLE – Montreal, February 1, 1964, From the Heart by Mike Gutwillig.
Seven years later, at the age of 22, Dwight Dolan would be studying at the University of Florida,5THE GAZETTE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1941 (page 21) and listed as a staff photographer for two local newspapers; The Orlando Reporter-Star, 6The Reporter-Star, March 17 (EVE ED.), April 19, 1937.and The Orlando Sunday-Sentinel-Star.7The Sunday-Sentinel-Star, April 18, 25th, and March 28, 1937. Dolan would be hired before he had ever sold a picture — the editor having been impressed by some snapshots he had taken with a $3 camera.8The Ottawa Citizen, Weekend Magazine, VOL. 11, No. 39, Saturday, September 30th, 1961.
On October 4th, 1940, The Montreal Daily Star would announce the engagement of Miss Gaby Boisvert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boisvert, to Mr. Dwight E. Dolan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Dolan.9The Montreal Daily Star, Friday, October 4th, 1940
In 1941, Dwight Dolan would enlist in the Canadian Army and join one of his brothers, John Dolan, as commissioned officers in the U.S. and Canadian Armies;
“Brothers Join Different Armies – The commissioning in the United States Army last week of second Lieut. John Dolan of 3762 St. Andre street, Montreal, makes two brothers who are serving as commissioned officers in the U.S. and Canadian Armies. Lieutenant Dolan’s brother is Lieut. Dwight Dolan of 3823 Berri street, a photographic officer on the General List of the Canadian Army, who is now under orders for overseas duty. The U.S. Army Dolan graduated at Army Administration Officer Candidate School No. 3 at Gainesville, Fla., March 10, and has been posted to Headquarters of the 1st Service Command at Boston. He is now home on leave. Lieut. Dwight Dolan, who joined the Canadian Army in 1941, Qualified for his Canadian commission at Gordon Head, B.C., last summer.”10The Montreal Daily Star, Monday, March 15th, 1943.
But before Dwight would become further engrained as a ‘famous Montreal Photographer’,11EN VILLE – Montreal, February 1, 1964, From the Heart by Mike Gutwillig. Public Relations documents would reveal that Lt. Dwight E. Dolan, would be called overseas to fill the need for more French Canadian personnel within the Canadian Army Public Relations Group;
From what I have been able to gather from the Canadian Public Relations files, only the following personnel were officially identified as bilingual; Capt. Placide Labelle, PR Officer; combat stills photographers; Lt. J.E. DeGuire, and Lt. D.E. Dolan. CP (Canadian Press) War Correspondents; Bill Stewart, and Doug Amaron, and from the CBC; Marcel Ouimet, and Maurice Desjardins.
“FAMEUX photographe – (translated by the author from the original French) Lieutenant DWIGHT DOLAN, French-Canadian photographer formerly attached to the “Star”, now at the Italian front with the Mt-Royal Fusiliers, had the honour of a long interview with the famous English General Sir BERNARD MONTGOMERY, Chief of the eighth army. The English General offers to come and visit Canada after the war. Lieutenant Dolan’s family, his young son and Mrs. Dolan (nee Gabrielle Boisvert) reside in Montreal.“13LA PATRIE, SAMEDI 30 OCTOBRE 1943, page 18
On July 13, 1943, Lt. Dolan, would take part in the Sicily landings with the First Canadian Tank Brigade, along with;
PR Officer Capt. H.A Hyman; War Correspondents, Mr. W.A Wilson, and Mr. L.S.B. Shapiro; Cameraman, Sgt. Stollery (cine), and Pte. L/ Baskier (driver).14Public Relations files, Library & Archives Canada
“Only Dolan arrived in Sicily during active combat, accompanying the First Canadian Tank Brigade and, since the formation was held in reserve, he produced little for publication. The brigade contained no Francophone regiment, although the Three Rivers Regiment operated as “functionally bilingual;” the Royal Twenty Second, “the Vandoos,” with the First Division, was the only Francophone regiment in Sicily.“15The Information Front: The Canadian Army, Public Relations, and War News during the Second World War, by Timothy John Balzer, University of Victoria. A copy for Mr. Balzer’s dissertation can downloaded as a PDF HERE.
In the gallery below, I have highlighted some of the photographs taken by Lieut. Dwight E. Dolan, located online within the Canadian Army Numerical Albums.
All 110 Canadian Army Numerical Albums are now available online to the general public. The series of albums consist of contact sheets printed from the original b&w negatives, of Canadian Army photographs shot during World War II, 1941-1946. For many years I had been aware of these albums while working as a Film Conservator at Library & Archives Canada (LAC). At the time, these albums were some of the most in demand finding aids for WWII images stored at LAC. Known to staff as the ‘pizza boxes’, the Army numerical albums were stored in acid free custom made containers. To learn more about the Albums, please visit my post, HERE.
In the following series of three negatives below, Lt. Dolan takes a couple of photographs of his two Film Unit lensemen; Sgts. Alan Grayston (black beret) and Jack Stollery (side cap). Not to be excluded, Lt. Dolan is caught in front of his own camera, (far left image), while Sgt. Grayston, although not credited, takes the shot of Lt. Dolan, wearing no hat, posing alongside movie cameraman, Sgt. Jack Stollery. On his right leg, Lt. Dolan rests Sgt. Grayston’s Bell & Howell, 35mm Eyemo cine camera, presumably until he gets his own Graflex Speed Graphic still camera back in return.
Click on the image to enlarge…
A series of three images featuring Sgts. Grayston (black beret) and Stollery. Army Numerical Album 62. (Photographer No. 3, Roll 50, Lieut. D.E. Dolan. Sicily, 23 Aug, 43.).
In the gallery below, are photographs shot by Lt. Dolan, also part of Army Numerical Album 62 (shown here using screen grabs of the album being accessed on the LAC website). The page reveals images taken of the damage to the Catania Aerodrome, on the eastern port in Sicily. The first image in the gallery reveals a group of images of damaged airplanes, followed by two examples of how a couple of these images were quickly cleared by censors and ‘radiophotoed’ back to HQ, to be picked up by interested newspaper publishers in the U.S. In many cases during the war, photographic images were not properly credited to the photographer, or branch of the Canadian Armed Forces. In each of these cases, the newspaper publisher credits the Canadian Army Film Unit, but not the photographer.
From Army Numerical Album 62, page 2. Burnt out and damaged aircraft on Catania aerodrome. (Photographer No. 3, Roll 42, Lieut. D.E. Dolan. Catania, taking of city, Aug 6, 43).
In this series of images, also from Album No. 62, is a set of Lt. Dolan photos, featuring Sgt. Russell McPhee, from the Pointe-Saint-Charles neighbourhood of Montreal;

Caption: “Sgt. Russell McPhee, 39, of Macdaline St., Point St. Charles, Montreal, P.Q., is shown in these pictures. This is the chap who was responsible for building a bridge under continuous shellfire, mortar fire and machine gun fire at Leonforte. It was the building of this bridge that enabled Canadians to capture the town. McPhee has been recommended for the Military Medal. He Is a member of 3 Fd Coy RCE. On this roll are snaps of him being interviewed by (Canadian War Correspondents) Shapiro and Munro. The balance are snaps of Sgt. McPhee with Gen. Montgomery and Gen. Simmonds, taken on the occasion of one of Montgomery’s frequent visits.” From Army Numerical Album 62, page 8. (Photographer No. 3, Roll 39, Lieut. Dolan. Cdns in Sicily, 3 Aug, 43).
Later that year, in October, 1943, Sgt. Stollery, and Lieut. Dolan, on one of their assignments, would stumble across a jeep trailer which had been abandoned on the roadside by the British;
“Yesterday when Joe Dolan and Sgt. Stollery came over here, they brought a trailer for us to use here (PR Camp), it is a British made trailer, and a perfect one for the geep(sp), they took it away from some Italians who were using it. Evidently the British had just left it by the road side, anyway we now have a perfect trailer, and will it ever come in handy…we’ll now be able to keep all our film stock etc. right with us, and not have to worry about getting it on a truck every time there is a move.”16Public Relations files, Library & Archives Canada
By January of 1944, Lt. Dolan would arrive for a period of time in Algiers, before being sent back to Italy,
“Public Relations War Diary, January 1944 – Lieut. Dwight E. Dolan, Film and Photo Section, arrived by sea from BIZERTE after three months duty with Canadian Public Relations at AFHQ (Allied Force Headquarters), ALGIERS.”17Public Relations files, Library & Archives Canada
On February 8th, 1944, Lieut. Dolan and Sgt. Andersen of the Film & Photo Section would arrive from San Vito, working on a hospital story…along with them came tragic news;
“Lt. Rowe killed, Lt. McDougall and Pvt King slightly wounded…These were the first battle casualties of Canadian Public Relations in this war. Lieut. Rowe and Lieut. McDougall were two of the most skilled photographers, the former still, the latter cine, in the Canadian Army.”18Public Relations files, Library & Archives Canada
Soon after, in March, 1944, Lt. Dolan, would return to London,
“TO: A.D.P.R. / C.M.H.Q. – Lieut.D.E.Dolan has returned to this country and is being despatched to Canada immediately. Lieut. J.H. Smith is expected to arrive in U.K. Shortly. Replacements for these officers will be proceeding to Italy in the very near future. The reason for the recall of these two photographic officers was to provide a nucleus of experienced personnel for No.2 CFPU. Dolan’s despatch to Canada means that there will only be one experienced officer available. Signed (J.E.R. McDougall) Capt., Cdn Film and Photo Section, P.R. Services.“19Public Relations files, Library & Archives Canada
Prior to shipping out, Lt. Dolan would be instructed by Capt. J.E.R. McDougall, Officer Commanding for the Canadian Film & Photo Section, to turn over all his photographic equipment before leaving London for Canada. His list of ‘battle’ equipment would include; a Speed Graphic ; Leica ; Super Ikonta ; AND a Rolleiflex film camera.20Public Relations files, Library & Archives Canada

Portrait of Lieut. Dwight E. Dolan posing with a Super iKonta 35mm film camera.
Photo courtesy, Norman Quick, personal photo album.
“Canadian Troops “Smashers” – Two sergeants are back in the Dominion after long service overseas and they expect to be called on to do their part in the loan. They are Sgt. Paul Belley of Montmagny, Que., a member of the famous “Van Doos”—the Royal 22nd Regt.—Who fought in Sicily and Italy, and Sgt. C. M. Padget of Toronto, a 48th Highlander who was detached to serve as a photographic darkroom expert in C.M.H.Q.. Britain. They were accompanied by Lieut. Joe Dolan of Montreal, a photographer with the Canadian army film unit who pictured the war in Sicily and Italy.”21Canadian Troops “Smashers” Says Wife On Arrival, by The Canadian Press, Ottawa Citizen, April 4th, 1944.
* * * *
Now back on ‘civvie street’, Mr. Dolan, would waste little time re-establishing himself at his photography business in Montreal, and thanks to the information from André Rivest of La Presse, it’s now known that Mr. Dolan had taken on the job as the official photographer for the Montreal Royals baseball team.
By 1949, Mr. Dolan, would also continue to ply his trade as a newspaper photographer. A photo credit for a shot taken by Dwight E. Dolan of Robert A. Bryce, newly elected president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, would make the Toronto Daily Star22The Toronto Daily Star, Thurday, October 27th, 1949, page 16.
In a strange incident earlier that year, Mr. Dolan would be out with his photography class of 11 students and stop in front of Notre Dame, on Place D’Armes. After instructing the students to pose for an informal picture, he asked if any of them had something to read…
“One student had pulled out the magazine and was reading it when a constable came on the scene, looked at the magazine and told the group ‘follow me.’ They followed him to the station. No questions were asked and no reason given for the detention. After some minutes their names and addresses were taken and they were told they were free to leave. None of the policemen on duty could explain the action. The group was not booked and no charges of any kind were even intimated.”23The Gazette, Montreal, Wednesday, April 27, 1949.
It would be revealed months later, that they were taken in because one of the students had been reading from a copy of the New Republic.24The Daily Sun-Times, Owen Sound, Ontario, Thursday, June 16, 1949. Given the times, it’s possible the constable saw the student and the magazine in a totally different light than that of a photographer, who was simply looking for a prop to help compose a group picture.
* * * *
Still actively searching for more information on Dolan’s short stint as official photographer for the Montreal Royals baseball team, I tried in vain to see if I could possibly locate an image of Jackie Robinson that might have been shot by Dolan.
I searched the internet, and scoured through a lot of images of photos, but many of them either did not have a photo stamp credit on the back of the print, or failed to credit the photographer altogether. It also could be that by this time, photographer, Daivd Bier, would have taken over the duties with the ball-club as the official photographer. Maybe someone reading this would come across one?
Nearly ready to abandon that search, I would come across a website using the search terms, “dolan montreal royals”, and in the results I came across the ‘X’ account (formerly known as Twitter) for Weingarten’s Vintage;
“Ck out this ultra rare 1947 Montreal Royals pre-rookie Roy Campanella Type 1 #photo – the image, taken by Dwight Dolan was used for his rookie card.” (Click on the images below to enlarge)
Photos courtesy – Weingarten’s Vintage @weingartensvint Follow Type 1 photos: An expert and collector of original photography with a focus in, but not limited to, sports seeking to help promote the hobby.
This led me to run an online image search for ,“roy campanella montreal royals”, that led me to the Heritage Auctions website, which revealed a listing for the Campanella rookie card, crediting Dwight E. Dolan, and also matched the baseball card from Weingartens Vintage.
Heritage Auctions required a sign-in account before I would be allowed to see that the card sold for $3,840.00 US, on Feb 25, 2018. It was then sold again on Aug 30, 2020, for $6600.00 US, with the owner now accepting any future bids on the card for $17,000 US or more! Mr. Dolan would have been very surprised.
* * * *
In what seemed like a never-ending search for anything on Dolan, I eventually stumbled across several references of images crediting Dwight Dolan as photographer. A few of them are listed below, with some surprising finds…

He’s New, He’ll Do!
Convincing was JOE LANDRUM, youthful righthander who made his Royal start a winning one. Glad to have you with us Joseph.
— Dwight Dolan photo
“Shooting” Ol’ Satch – Dwight Dolan, who took some pictures of the colored teams yesterday at the Stadium, said that he found Satchel Paige one of the most polite and obliging athletic figures he ever photoed…The Satchel made no wise-cracks said little and proved to be very friendly…”The greater they are, the grander they are,” chorused the cameramen.”

“Here is one of the first photos we received from Vero Beach. From left to right, Bill Hunter, Jim Pendleton, Forrest Jacobs, Walter Fiala, Jim Gilliam and Rocky Nelson. All are infield players whose ambition is to be part of the regular lineup of the Royals, who open their season on April 16 in Syracuse. — (Photo Dwight Dolan)” (caption translated by the author)
“An informal moment during the tour of the visiting Russian farm experts came when Nikolai Gureev spied Carol Dolan, daughter of a Montreal photographer, Dwight Dolan. He said she reminded him of his own daughter and playfully picked her up. Photographer Dolan barely remembered to take the picture in the excitement.”

Many of Dwight Dolan’s photographs would also be featured in the WEEKEND Magazine25SEE: WEEKEND Magazine Vol. 6, No.2, The Montreal Star January 14, 1956, — WEEKEND Magazine Vol. 6, No.9, The Ottawa Citizen, March 3, 1956,– WEEKEND Magazine Vol. 7, No. 10, The Ottawa Magazine, March 9, 1957,– WEEKEND Magazine Vol. 8 No. 26, The Ottawa Citizen, June 28, 1958,– WEEKEND Magazine Vol. 10 No. 10, The Montreal Star, March 5, 1960,– WEEKEND Magazine No. 15, The Ottawa Citizen, April 11, 1964. Weekend was a long-running Canadian magazine and newspaper supplement. The Montreal Standard was founded in 1905 as a weekly newspaper and was purchased by the Montreal Star in 1925. In 1951 the Standard was relaunched in magazine format as Weekend Picture Magazine serving as a newspaper supplement for the Montreal Star and eight other local newspapers across Canada.[1] Eventually shortening its name to Weekend, the magazine, printed using the rotogravure process,[1] included features writing, cultural and entertainment reporting, cartoons by Doug Wright, colour advertising and photographs and recipes among other items….In 1959 a French-language edition, Perspectives, was launched.[3] – Source: For this post, I selected two WEEKEND Magazine examples of some of the famous personages to sit, or in one case, ‘skate’ in front of Dwight Dolan’s camera…

Chuck Connors
And yes, this is the same Chuck Connors that would go on to star in the hit TV series, The Rifleman (1958-1963).26 Chuck Connors was married to a Montreal-born former model in Montreal in 1948, ‘…one of Connor’s three best years in baseball.’27WEEKEND Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 20, The Montreal Star May 16, 1959.
“Kevin Joseph Aloysius “Chuck” Connors (April 10, 1921 – November 10, 1992) was an American actor, writer, and professional basketball and baseball player. He is one of only 13 athletes in the history of American professional sports to have played in both Major League Baseball (Brooklyn Dodgers 1949, Chicago Cubs, 1951) and the National Basketball Association (Boston Celtics 1946–48). With a 40-year film and television career, he is best known for his five-year role as Lucas McCain in the highly rated ABC series The Rifleman (1958–63).“28
Maurice ‘Rocket’ Richard
Pictured on the right, the great Maurice “Rocket” Richard.
Click on the image on the right to enlarge…

Although I did not locate this next photo within any of the Weekend Magazine issues, I simply had to include this team photograph shot by Dwight Dolan of his home-town Montreal Canadiens for the 1955-56 season, complete with his stamp on the back of the print. For more information click on the photo to go to the Classic Auctions website…
* * * *
At this stage in his career, Mr. Dolan would be riding the crest of his successful photography business in Montreal, and by now had established himself as one of the most pre-eminent photographers in Canada and around the world. Mr. Dolan, would attend PHOTOKINA 1960, ‘a trade fair held in Europe for the photographic and imaging industries‘.
“The exhibition would feature a special tour held by Lufthansa, and escorted by photographer Dwight Dolan, from Montreal, Sept. 24 for 15 days and includes visits to other German cities.” 29The Financial Post, AUG 20, 1960, page 12
Mr. Dolan would also be elected for membership “…in the exclusive American Society of Magazine Photographers,” 30The Gazette, April 5, 1960, page 4. Only the third Canadian to do so at the time.
* * * *
In the next couple of years, Mr. Dolan would be offered two amazing, once in a lifetime opportunities; to travel to Africa with Cardinal Paul-Emile Léger, (featured in many of the Weekend magazines supplements); and as Head of the Photography Division for Expo ’67.31
“Un Compagnon De Voyage Peu Ordinaire Le Cardinal Paul-Emile Leger – An Unusual Travel Companion Cardinal Paul-Emile Leger
Photographer DWIGHT DOLAN speaks to MICHELINE STOEK (excerpt)
Mr. Dwight Dolan, coordinator of photography at the Exposition ’67 company, is one of the most eminent photographers in the metropolis. For a long time he was the official photographer in Montreal for Time, Life and Fortune magazines. He ran his own photography business, which he abandoned last December (1963) to accept the important position he was given offered him at the Expo. Before assuming his new role, he accompanied Cardinal Leger to Africa, where he produced an excellent color photographic report for the Star magazine section and the Perspectives weekly supplement.” 32En Ville – The Business Family Paper, 19 September 1964. (translated by author for this article)
“Expo 67: The Biggest Photo Job – 155,000 Pictures In ’65 –And More This Year by Sandra Dolan.
(excerpt) The Canadian Corporation for the 1967 World Exhibition needs hundreds of photographs daily — pictures for exhibitors wanting to see how work on their pavilions Is progressing; pictures for the many Expo ambassadors who have fanned out around the world to publicize the fair, pictures for newspapers, magazines and television stations in the 70 nations that are to take part in Expo; and pictures for Canadian Government embassies, consulates and tourist bureaus in foreign lands.
As Dwight Dolan, the Expo corporation’s co-ordinator of photography says: ‘’It’s the biggest damn picture business you’ve ever seen.’’
On site, the whole operation is held together by Mr Dolan, a veteran of close to three decades of professional photography in Montreal, and his assistant, Pat Landry, working within the framework of Expo’s Photo Centre.
Their job is defined as “to determine, plan and supervise the photographic needs of the corporation,” and “to control the photographic budget of all branches of the corporation.”
The end results of their work — the photographs and film — are distributed through Expo’s Public Relations Department with which the Photo Centre works in close co-operation.
But when these visiting cameramen do take their pictures, it’s up to Messrs. Dolan and Landry to help them to get the kind of photos they want.
Another Integral part of the Expo Photo Centre is a projection service. Four men make slides from the pictures and, in co-operation with the corporation’s Speakers’ Bureau, arrange the slides and film necessary to tell the story of Expo to audiences of all kinds and all sizes.
The photographers who work on the Expo contract seem to agree. They’re enjoying the work as such, and then there’s the added satisfaction of knowing that their pictures are being seen all around the world.
Their pictures will be the ones you’ll see on Expo postcards and other souvenirs and they’re the one being sent out to all corners of the world every day as the story of the Canadian world fair is told in pictures as well as words.”33The Gazette, Friday, September 30, 1966, General News, page 8.
“Of course, it’s an exhausting job,” Mr. Dolan says. “But show me a more challenging job in photography, a job which takes in the whole aspect of photography the way that this one does.”
* * * *
Mr. Dwight Dolan, and his family would eventually move to Ottawa, and after what has to be an amazing career in Canadian photography, would sadly pass away on December 7th, 1996.34D6 The Ottawa Citizen, Sunday, December 8,1996
Special thanks to André Rivest, of La Presse, for reaching out to me regarding Mr. Dolan’s early years as photographer for the Montreal Royal’s baseball team.
Should you have any additional information on Mr. Dolan, and his career as a professional photographer, or on any other combat photographers of the Canadian Armed Forces during WWII, please contact me at, webmaster @

© Dale Gervais 2023
Wow and I mean absolute wow research on my Dad. Thank you very very much.
Hi Patrick – what a pleasure ! It is always my hope when writing short bios on the men and women of the CFPU that it reaches other family members. Thank you and the family for reaching out. If by chance you should come across any images of your Dad in uniform, or would like to add to the post please feel free and let me know. Remembrance Day had a nice turn-out here in Ottawa, and every time I go I think of the vets I met from the CFPU; what a very special bunch of people! Dale : )
WOW, you stun me. That’s my father. Mom passed away some years ago but all my other 3 siblings are still alive. I’m turning 78 on the 14th. Your article is powerful for us. I have very strong memories of him, he was super ethical, taught us all the right values. Many times I helped or accompanied him when he worked. I would hold, with extension, his secondary flash unit and place myself at a different angle from him. I would help him develop 1,000 pictures in his dark room. He would take me along in a helicopter to take aerial photography. He once had to rent a Cessna to go to the Laurentian mountains, he took me along and on the way back I sat in the copilot seat then the pilot told me to take over the plane, almost but I could not reach the pedals. I have pictures of me taken by Dad from the back seat. Great father great husband. My parents loved each other and we’re not afraid to show their affection in front of us. WOW again and many thanks for the outstanding work, this is gold for our family.
Michael Francis Dolan
Hi Michael – what a pleasure to hear from you! Thank you so much for the thoughts and sharing those memories. I was so surprised to find all these articles in the newspapers about your father. What an incredible career and life. I am so proud to have met some of the former members of the Film Unit, and think of them often, especially like today when I was at the cenotaph paying respects. I always bring a camera because I know thats what they would do. Can I ask; did your father ever take a picture of Jackie Robinson while working for the Montreal Royals baseball team? What an amazing photographer! Dale : )
BTW, my uncle Robert Emmett (Bobby) was a Hollywood film and Broadway music director/composer and his claim to fame he was the Producer of White Christmas. He was married to Vilma Ebsen, Buddy Ebsen’s (Beverly Hillbillies) sister and also Nan Martin.
Thanks again for sharing Michael, these little nuggets of knowledge about your father and uncle are priceless ! Just one big incredible family. Can I ask; there is an interview of your father at the end of the post (Expo 67: The Biggest Photo Job – 155,000 Pictures In ’65 –And More This Year by Sandra Dolan.) Was Sandra Dolan related in any way? I can also be reached at any time by the family at Dale : )
This is an amazing article. So well researched. Dwight was my grandfather’s (Richard Dolan) brother and I met him on only a few occasions. He was notably understated and I was oblivious to how much life he had lived.
Hi Matt, thank you for sharing. What an incredible person who did as much for his country and community as anyone could expect. A special generation of Canadians we can be proud of. Dale